
When Does Sora Learn Lucky Strike

Abilities in Kingdom Hearts and the Kingdom Hearts Concluding Mix version are used to grant Sora and his party members active and passive skills, and can exist equipped past allocating express Ability Points (AP). These abilities either accept a supportive nature, working passively in the background to influence a grapheme's stats and qualities, or an active nature, being usable at a specific fourth dimension at the price of Magic Points (MP). All characters posses a number of common passive abilities, which tin touch on either themselves or the whole party, too as their own unique active abilities. Donald is the sole exception for the latter, equally he instead uses magic which does not cost AP to equip. Sora is besides the sole character with unique passive abilities, beingness the sole playable grapheme. There are also 'shared' abilities, which are equipped to the entire party and bear on their mobility. They do not cost AP, merely are only unlocked past progressing through the plot.

Abilities serve primarily to allow the actor 'build' Sora or a political party member to adapt their own playstyle, equally there normally is not enough AP to equip every power. Due to this players tin can decide to cater to a specific archetype, such as focusing on offense, defense, supportive, or something general in between. Bated from abilities, the player tin too customize a companion's fighting style on the 'Customize' screen in the break bill of fare.

Abilities are normally gained by leveling, with a handful also acquired after completing certain challenges. Companions limited to specific worlds are unique in that all their abilities are available at the start, but they also cannot acquire anymore. Donald and Goofy proceeds fixed abilities upon leveling, whereas Sora'south are dependent on the dream weapon he choose at the beginning of the game in Dive to the Heart. Concluding Mix also added several new unique abilities to Sora's full, besides as one each for Donald and Goofy. 1.5 ReMIX did much the same, further adding two new ones to Sora's full.

Lastly, it is possible to use rare AP Upwards items to increase a character's AP, just this is generally only available to reliably learn and attain at the terminate of the game through synthesis.


  • 1 Abilities
    • 1.1 Common
    • 1.2 Shared
    • 1.3 Unique
      • 1.3.i Sora
      • i.3.2 Goofy
      • 1.three.iii Tarzan
      • i.3.4 Aladdin
      • 1.iii.5 Ariel
      • i.three.6 Jack Skellington
      • Peter Pan
      • 1.3.8 Animate being
  • 2 Ability availability
    • ii.i Sora
      • 2.1.1 Levels
      • 2.1.2 Events
    • 2.2 Donald
    • 2.3 Goofy
  • 3 Notes



Ability AP (FM) Inventory description
Usable by
Berserk i Boosts attack power when HP is critically low. Combine with a weapon skill for more power. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Tarzan, Beast
Cheer one Increases the summons' MP gauge, giving them more time and attacks per battle. Equip to entire party to boost effect. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Aladdin, Jack Skellington
Disquisitional Plus 3 (two) Increases odds of dealing critical damage. Equip more to boost effect. Sora, Tarzan, Aladdin, Peter Pan, Animate being
Jackpot two Receive more than munny and HP/MP balls in boxing. Equip to entire political party to heave effect. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Aladdin, Jack Skellington, Peter Pan
Lucky Strike iii (two) Raises luck so that enemies drop rare items more than often. Equip to entire political party to boost effect.
(Each instance of Lucky Strike increases the base driblet rate of an detail by 50% of its initial value, ensuring a driblet charge per unit multiplier of 2.5 if all three are active.)
Sora, Donald, Goofy, Aladdin, Ariel, Peter Pan
MP Haste iii Boosts MP recovery charge per unit in battle, allowing more spellcasting. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Ariel, Peter Pan
MP Rage two (3) Recover MP whenever you're hitting in battle. Heavier harm restores more than MP. Equip more to heave effect. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Jack Skellington, Ariel, Beast
Second Run a risk 2 Go along 1 HP even after taking a disquisitional hitting. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Tarzan, Animate being
Second Wind 3 Recover from KO status chop-chop with HP fully restored. Donald, Goofy, Tarzan, Ariel, Fauna
Treasure Magnet two Concenter nearby HP/MP assurance, munny, and items. Equip two to attract them from even farther away. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Aladdin, Jack Skellington, Peter Pan
Leaf Bracer [a] v Stop enemies from breaking Cure ability on self. Sora, Donald


Ability Inventory description Available later
High Jump Powers up your leap, allowing yous to reach higher places. In a treasure chest in Monstro's mouth afterward defeating Parasite Cage.
Mermaid Kick Swim faster and more than powerfully. In Atlantica, printing the Circle button repeatedly to accelerate. Defeat Ursula for the showtime time in Atlantica
Glide While in the air, printing the Circle button to ride the air currents. Hold downward the Circle push to remain aloft. Lock the Keyhole at Neverland.
Superglide While in the air, printing the Square button to fly at loftier speed. Agree down the Square button to remain aloft. Defeat Chernabog at the End of the World.



Ability AP (FM) Inventory clarification
Combo Plus 1 Extends ground combo attack by one step. Equip more to extend it further.
Air Combo Plus 1 Extends aerial combo assail by one footstep. Equip more to extend it further.
Scan one View an enemy's HP judge during battle.
Dodge Roll 1 Dive and curl to evade attack by pressing the Square button.
Guard ii Guard against an enemy attack by pressing the Square button.
Counterattack ii Strike back after parrying an enemy blow. Successful counterattacks restore MP.
Vortex one Shut the distance to nearby enemies with this powerful spinning attack.
Aerial Sweep 2 Jump at an airborne enemy and strike a mighty accident.
Rush 3 (2) Strike enemies ahead of you lot with a powerful finishing combo.
Tech Boost [a] 2 Increment the corporeality of Tech Points acquired.
(Each example of Tech Boost multiplies the Tech Points gained by 2, 3, four, or 5, respectively if all iv boosts are active.)
Encounter Plus [a] 1 Increase the rate of spawning and encountering Heartless.
(Decreases the corporeality of area changes required for Heartless to respawn from two to one.)
Sliding Dash [a] 1 Rush and strike a afar enemy.
Slapshot [a] 1 Rapidly strike enemies ahead of you. Occasionally deals critical damage.
(The critical damage bonus amounts to an increase of four Strength.)
Hurricane Nail [a] 2 From an aerial combo, unleash an extremely powerful finishing philharmonic set on to the enemy beneath.
Ripple Drive [a] 3 Unleash a powerful finishing philharmonic attack upon surrounding enemies. Attack power is relative to max MP value.
Stun Impact [a] 2 Has a 30% run a risk of unleashing a finishing combo assault that renders surrounding enemies unconscious.
Gravity Suspension [a] 2 Has a 30% chance of unleashing a gravity-based finishing combo assault that deals damage equal to a % of the target's HP.
(The % of damage dealt is equal to forty% plus Sora's Forcefulness stat.)
Zantetsuken [a] ii Has a 30% chance of unleashing a finishing combo assault that tin destroy a weaker enemy.
(Its damage is Gravity-based, dealing an equivalent of 250% of the enemy's HP.)
EXP Nada [b] 0 Unabridged party gains no EXP.
(Bated from the zero EXP effect, this power also lets finishers deal bonus damage to off-ready the lack of damage due to the lack of levels. Due to an apparent bug this also results in any magic-based assail afterward a finisher gaining the bonus damage effect, upwards until a new combo is started. The bonus damage becomes most apparent with Mushu, who easily outperforms whatsoever other type of assail in the game.)
Combo Primary [b] 3 Evangelize combo attacks even if attacks do not land.
Sonic Blade 3 Slash an enemy while rushing by. Select followup attack at right fourth dimension for a combo. [Mid-range attack. Toll: two MP.]
Strike Raid 3 Hurl the Keyblade at an enemy. Select followup attack at right fourth dimension for a combo. [Long-range attack. Cost: two MP.]
Ars Arcanum iv A formidable attack. After a combo, select followup attack again for a double combo. [Short-range set on. Cost: 3 MP.]
Ragnarok 4 Later on aerial philharmonic, select followup set on at right fourth dimension to unleash Ragnarok. [For airborne targets. Cost: 3 MP.]
Trinity Limit 5 (1) Aqueduct the party'due south remaining MP to trounce surrounding foes. Minimum three MP. [With companions nearby. Cost: All MP.]


Ability AP Inventory description
Rocket 1 Bound at an airborne enemy and assail with shield. [Special attack. Cost: ane MP.]
Accuse 2 Charge and knock out an enemy with shield. [Special attack. Price: 1 MP.]
Tornado ii Whirl after an enemy, using shield to attack. [Special assault. Cost: one MP.]
MP Gift 3 Give up MP to give three MP to a friend. [Back up skill. Cost: 2 MP.][c]
Evolution [a] iii Give upwardly MP to grant xxx HP to all characters in the party. [Support skill. Toll: 3 MP]


Ability AP Inventory description
Raging Boar 2 Thrash surrounding enemies with spear, blowing them out of the way. [Special attack. Cost: 1 MP.]
Asp's Bite two Knock out an enemy with a powerful blow. [Special assail. Cost: 1 MP.]
Healing Herb 3 Recharge HP with an energizing herb. [Defence skill. Toll: 1 MP.]
Current of air Armor 3 Protect yourself with a cloak of air. [Defence force skill. Cost: i MP.]


Power AP Inventory clarification
Crescent 2 Jump straight upward to attack enemies overhead. [Special attack. Toll: ane MP.]
Sandstorm 2 Strike at enemies while charging through them. [Special attack. Cost: 1 MP.]


Ability AP Inventory description
Screw Wave ane Charge at a target with a spinning attack. [Special attack. Cost: i MP.]
Thunder Potion 3 Utilize potions packed with Thunder power. [Special attack. Toll: 1 MP.]
Cure Potion 3 Apply potions packed with Cure effect. [Defense force skill. Cost: 1 MP.]
Aero Potion 3 Use potions packed with Aero power. [Defense skill. Cost: i MP.]

Jack Skellington

Power AP Inventory description
Applause! i Upstage foes with this dramatic, long-range sliding set on. [Special attack. Price: ane MP.]
Blazing Fury ii Nail enemies with scorching burn down. [Special assail. Cost: Fiddling MP.]
Icy Terror 2 Freeze enemies with a os-chilling blizzard. [Special attack. Cost: Little MP.]
Bolts of Sorrow 3 Call lightning down to daze enemies. [Special attack. Cost: 1 MP.]
Ghostly Scream three Summon dark spheres to crush enemies. [Special attack. Cost: 1 MP.]

Peter Pan

Ability AP Inventory description
Hummingbird two Dart in to rain countless blows upon the enemy. [Special assault. Toll: 1 MP.]
Time-Out 4 Freeze time for enemies, halting their movement. [Special attack. Cost: ii MP.]
Storm's Eye 3 Wrap yourself in a protective whirlwind. [Defense skill. Cost: ii MP.]


Ability AP Inventory description
Ferocious Lunge 2 Lunge at an enemy from a distance. [Special set on. Price: 1 MP.]
Furious Bellow iii Knock out surrounding enemies with a raging bellow. [Special assault. Price: one MP.]

Power availability


Sora gains abilities starting at level nine, and will proceeds another at virtually every three successive levels, all the way upward to 96. In the Final Mix version they instead start at vi, and end at 100 (with the 100th level beingness the only odd one out for the successive level rule). The abilities he gains are dependent on the dream weapon chosen at the start of the game in Swoop into the Heart, generally resorting to a specific archetype; offense, defense, and magic. However, as his total abilities are finite and he is guaranteed to have the same at level 100 no matter what, the main choice rather becomes which abilities the thespian desires to have faster than the other, and which they can forego to obtain afterwards, or not at all if the role player decides to not level past the sixties (generally the signal people reach when they accept accomplished everything possible).

Due to the additions of new abilities in Final Mix most of the list got drastically altered, resulting in unlike results entirely depending on the version that is played. The 1.5 ReMIX edition as well added two new abilities unique to Sora, one of which is EXP Zero, which requires the histrion to start at Proud difficulty.

Sora also has the most abilities past far that are unlocked outside of leveling, these nigh ordinarily being rewards for specific accomplishments such as excelling in the Olympus Coliseum. Final Mix farther develops on this mechanic by moving a few abilities that were previously level-locked to being achievable past completing the event requirement. It besides added a few new ones in this manner.


Kingdom Hearts
Lvl Dream Sword Dream Rod Dream Shield
9 Combo Plus (1) Scan Guard
12 Vortex Treasure Magnet (i) Scan
fifteen Browse MP Haste Lucky Strike
18 Rush Counterattack Second Chance
21 Berserk Critical Plus (one) Counterattack
24 Counterattack Baby-sit Jackpot
27 Air Combo Plus (1) Aerial Sweep Treasure Magnet (1)
30 Aerial Sweep Treasure Magnet (2)
33 Treasure Magnet (1) MP Rage (1) Rush
36 Baby-sit Berserk MP Rage (1)
39 Lucky Strike Treasure Magnet (2)
42 Combo Plus (i)
45 MP Haste Vortex
48 Critical Plus (1) 2nd Take a chance Berserk
51 Second Chance MP Rage (two) Disquisitional Plus (1)
54 Jackpot
57 MP Rage (one) Vortex Air Combo Plus (1)
60 Treasure Magnet (two) Air Combo Plus (1) Aerial Sweep
63 Jackpot Rush MP Haste
66 MP Rage (2) Combo Plus (1) MP Rage (ii)
69 Lucky Strike Critical Plus (2) Critical Plus (ii)
72 Combo Plus (ii)
75 Air Combo Plus (two) Air Combo Plus (2) Combo Plus (2)
78 Critical Plus (2) Combo Plus (2) Air Combo Plus (ii)
84 Combo Plus (three) Philharmonic Plus (3) Combo Plus (3)
90 Critical Plus (iii) Disquisitional Plus (3) Critical Plus (3)
96 Combo Plus (4) Philharmonic Plus (four) Combo Plus (4)
Concluding Mix
Lvl Dream Sword Dream Rod Dream Shield
6 Sliding Nuance Stun Impact Slapshot
9 Browse Treasure Magnet (1) Berserk
12 Slapshot Ripple Drive Tech Boost (1)
15 Counterattack Scan Guard
eighteen Tech Boost (1) Hurricane Nail Stun Impact
21 Philharmonic Plus (1) MP Haste Scan
24 Guard Air Combo Plus (1) Lucky Strike
27 Hurricane Blast Tech Boost (1) Leaf Bracer
thirty Treasure Magnet (1)
33 Blitz Guard
36 Treasure Magnet (1) Aerial Sweep 2d Chance
39 Ripple Drive Leaf Bracer Sliding Dash
42 MP Rage (one) Jackpot
45 MP Haste Air Combo Plus (ii) Counterattack
48 Second Chance Lucky Strike Disquisitional Plus (i)
l Combo principal
51 Stun Impact Sliding Dash Hurricane Nail
54 Combo master Combo principal
57 Vortex Counterattack Treasure Magnet (2)
60 Aeriform Sweep Berserk Blitz
63 MP Rage (1) Jackpot Philharmonic Plus (i)
66 Combo Plus (2)
69 Leaf Bracer Slapshot Ripple Bulldoze
72 Air Combo Plus (one) Treasure Magnet (ii) MP Haste
75 Treasure Magnet (2) MP Rage (2) Critical Plus (two)
78 Berserk Blitz Vortex
81 Tech Boost (ii) Tech Heave (2) Tech Boost (ii)
84 Disquisitional Plus (1) Vortex Aerial Sweep
87 MP Rage (2) Combo Plus (1) Combo Plus (two)
90 Lucky Strike 2nd Take chances MP Rage (1)
93 Philharmonic Plus (3) Philharmonic Plus (2) Air Combo Plus (1)
96 Air Combo Plus (2) Critical Plus (one) Combo Plus (three)
99 Critical Plus (ii) Combo Plus (3) Air Combo Plus (2)
100 Jackpot Critical Plus (2) MP Rage (2)


Ability Bachelor after
EXP Zilch Received at level 1 upon starting the game on Proud difficulty in Terminal Mix.
Dodge Roll Received from Goofy afterwards defeating Guard Armor in Traverse Town.
Cheer Received from Owl at Pooh's house subsequently completing all Hundred Acre Wood minigames with the right score.[d]
Sonic Bract Received from Cloud after defeating Cerberus at Olympus Coliseum.
Combo Plus (FM) Received after winning the Phil Cup solo in the Olympus Coliseum.
Tech Boost (FM) Received after winning the Phil Cup fourth dimension trial in the Olympus Coliseum.
Strike Raid Received after winning the Pegasus Loving cup in the Olympus Coliseum.
Ars Arcanum Received after defeating Captain Hook in Neverland.
Critical Plus (FM) Received after winning the Hercules Cup solo in the Olympus Coliseum.
Gravity Break (FM) Received later winning the Hercules Loving cup time trial in the Olympus Coliseum.
Come across Plus (FM) Received after synthesizing xv items at the Item Workshop.
Tech Heave Received from Pongo and Perdita later on returning 90 out of the 99 puppies.
Ragnarok Received afterwards defeating Riku for the 2d fourth dimension at Hollow Bastion.
Trinity Limit Received after winning the Hades Cup in the Olympus Coliseum.
Zantetsuken (FM) Received after defeating Kurt Zisa at Agrabah.


Donald merely learns an ability every five levels, starting at level ten, all the manner upward to 55. In Terminal Mix this was changed by starting at nine, and ending at 59, adding the new Foliage Bracer ability. He otherwise possesses no unique abilities, and only has the standard passives that support either only himself or the party. This is off-ready by the new magic spells he gains whenever Sora acquires a new one, or upgrades an old one. He also gains the Cheer power afterwards Maleficent's commencement defeat at Hollow Breastwork.

Kingdom Hearts
Level Ability
ten Berserk
15 MP Haste
20 MP Rage (1)
25 Second Adventure
30 Treasure Magnet (1)
35 Second Air current
40 MP Rage (2)
45 Treasure Magnet (2)
fifty Jackpot
55 Lucky Strike
Final Mix
Level Ability
9 Berserk
14 MP Haste
xix MP Rage (1)
24 Treasure Magnet (1)
29 2d Wind
34 Leaf Bracer
39 Treasure Magnet (2)
44 Lucky Strike
49 MP Rage (2)
54 Jackpot
59 Second Take a chance


Goofy learns an power every 3 levels, starting at level nine, all the way up to 54. He is primarily geared towards a concrete melee law-breaking, his innate weapon type acting as his only defense option. He also has several standard personal and political party passive abilities, too as the rare MP Gift and the unique Evolution skills with which he can sacrifice 1 MP to requite 3 to someone else, or thirty HP to the whole party respectively. He also automatically acquires Cheer after the defeat of Parasite Cage for the first time inside Monstro.

Kingdom Hearts
Level Ability
9 Rocket
12 Jackpot
fifteen Charge
18 Treasure Magnet (1)
21 Tornado
24 MP Souvenir
27 Lucky Strike
33 Second Wind
30 MP Gift
36 2d Chance
39 MP Rage (one)
42 Treasure Magnet (2)
45 MP Rage (2)
51 MP Haste
54 Berserk
Last Mix
Level Ability
ix Rocket
12 Jackpot
15 Charge
eighteen Treasure Magnet (i)
21 Tornado
24 Lucky Strike
thirty Evolution
33 2nd Wind
36 Second Chance
39 MP Rage (ane)
42 MP Gift
45 Berserk
48 MP Haste
51 Treasure Magnet (two)
57 MP Rage (2)


  1. 1.00 one.01 1.02 1.03 one.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 This ability does not announced in the original Kingdom Hearts, and was instead included in the Final Mix version.
  2. 2.0 2.1 This ability was non included in either the original Kingdom Hearts, nor the Last Mix version. It instead was added in the HD one.v Remix version.
  3. Just ane MP in the original version.
  4. Pooh's Hunny Chase; 100 licks or more, Block Tigger; 150 points or more, Pooh's Swing; twoscore yards or more, Tigger's Giant Pot; 30 seconds or less, and Pooh'southward Muddy Path; 5 minutes or less.


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